
Showing posts from February, 2017

Magazine Quiz PDF

Our teacher has asked us to make our work about Women and Science into a PDF so the text doesn't change. Click down here if you want to know more about Women and Science. Magazine Quiz PDF

Evaluation of the second term

After finishing this second term our teacher has asked us to evaluate this term. So this is what I liked best about it: -I liked doing the web page because it was funny and interesting working with Leire. -Doing the quiz was entertaining But I disliked some things: -I didn't like the comprehension texts. I also think that Leire and I did a great presentation of the web.

Alternative medicines

Recently Leire and I did a web page about alternative medicines. In this page you'll find information about the different types of alternative medicines like supernatural energies, homeopathy, naturopathy, herbal remedies... You can also find very interesting videos about acupuncture and fire cupping therapy. If you like it there some blogs that you may like. I liked creating this web page because I learned a lot of new things about it and it was really easy to present it. If you want to know more click the link below:   Alternative medicines site